Open science is a movement that promotes open access to research data, publications, and scientific collaboration. It promises to increase transparency, provide reproducibility by reusing scientific datasets and increase trust in scientific collaboration. Blockchain fits the mindset of open science because of its transparency and decentralized nature.
This project create a proof of concepts of a Hyperledger Fabric-based “Scientific Journal” which could be used to share all the research objects that were produced during the research. These objects (Docs, Videos, Images, Code, Data sets) will be stored in a decentralized manner using IPFS (Inter-Planetory File System). The project was developed during the Google Summer of Code 2019 and proposed by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation and VIVO.
The applications developed and a detailed explanation of the solution is in the Journal Of Research Objects repo.
We are proud that some of our collaborators and researchers were part of this project that reflect our business values and research interest, we thank Google and the Open Bioinformatics Foundation for supporting this proof of concept.